Thursday, November 18, 2010

Battle of the Boybands

Last weekend's X Factor saw the contesants sing songs from the legend that is Elton John, Cheryl let it rip on Saturday, Louis was on top form with his critiques, leaving the other three judges annoyed with him, Katie Waisel was saved by the judges (again!), but for me, last weeks X Factor was all about the boybands. Anyone who knows me know that I am a bit of a boyband nut (particularly when it comes to Westlife), so for me, it was like all my birthdays and Christmas's have come at once, and I certainly wasn't left disappointed! What I loved (from what I could hear anyway), was that JLS, Westlife and Take That all sang live (ahem, take note Cheryl!), and they all did a pretty damn good job of it as well, and as an added bonus, they all looked pretty hot too! But the question is, who was the best?

First up was the newsest boyband on the block, JLS, who performed their song, 'Love You More'. I absoloutely love this song, it feels like a classic boyband ballad from the 90's, so I was hooked the first time I heard it. I really enjoyed their performance as well. They stood on top of a high circular platform, with an orchestra around the bottom. Of course they are no strangers to The X Factor stage, after they were runers-up in the competition in 2008. They have definitely come a long way since then, and it was lovely to see them coming back after their success.

Up next was Westlife. Of course it was the performance of the night for me. I think that 'Safe' is the best song they have had in a while. Flawless performance and flawless vocals. After twelve years together, they are polished and gel extremely well together. With a new album and tour, Westlife are well and truly back!!

Last, but certainly not last, was the highly anticipated reunion of Take That with Robbie Williams. I have mixed feelings about this performance. On the one hand I loved it, I love the song, and thought and thought they all looked happy, and the chemistry between them is as strong as ever. Not to mention, they just get better with age. But the performance also left me feeling a little cold as it was definitely the Robbie Williams show. Vocally and performance wise, he was a bit all over the place, and over the top. I understand that is who he is, but I just didn't him, and I believe Take That are much better without Robbie William's ego.

For me, the King of the boybands was, and always will be, Westlife.

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