Friday, January 18, 2013

'Just Do It!'

My blogs are usually centred around entertainment news, but I’m going to do a more honest, personal blog today. I really hope this doesn’t go against me in the future, but here goes nothing!

I’ve been doing a great Radio Production Course in Radio Kerry since last September, and we’re halfway there now, and it’s got me thinking, ‘What’s my next step after this?’ and ‘How will I get there?’ These questions have never been more important to me than now. Yesterday, Kerry entrepreneur Jerry Kennelly came in to Radio Kerry to talk to us about what made him so successful, and I have to say I did take a lot from it, and I loved his straight talking, no nonsense attitude. The biggest thing I took away from him was that you have to go out there and make it happen, because no one else will. You have to stand out in the crowd and offer what no one else is. You have to show your passion by going beyond what the person next to you is doing. You have to be excellent in your field. And he should know, he is a multi-millionaire after all!

 You have to be extremely motivated to do what he does, and I realise that is something I need more of! Don’t get me wrong, I am a hard worker and I do have a certain amount of drive, but after I left college and started looking for something, anything, and I never got passed the interview stage, it made me question myself, and I lost focus. But at the end of the day, I am 28 and I want to work, I want to have a career, and I need to make it happen!

My first step, seeing as I couldn’t get work, was to look for a media related course so I can up skill, so I’m not sitting around doing nothing anymore, which is way I’m doing the radio production course. While I do enjoy radio, my passion lies with writing, which is why I try and update my blog when I can, to improve my skills, and show people what I can do. This morning, our tutor asked to write down three things that we want to do before we finish the course, and do them. I’m going to write it down here, for everyone to see, which will hopefully give me the kick up the ass to do it!

 1. Talk to people:

 One of my big problems that I have is my shyness and my nerves. I am slowly getting better at it, and I like to think that I am a nice and friendly person, but for some reason I seem to have difficulty making conversation with people. But I just need to just get on with it, and hopefully it will become easier for me.

 2. Get my name out there:

This one could possibly help with my first goal, but I need to start thinking ahead about what I want to do once my course is finished. I am starting to get good at networking on Twitter (I followed and tweeted some of the people in the media industry that I am interested in). But I need to start actually emailing people and tell them that I am interested in getting experience with them and ask to meet them.

3. Just Do It!

I need to do more than I am doing, and right now there is excuse not to. I’m going to do one thing a fortnight (depending on work load/assignment), for myself. I’m going try my best to use my initiative and creativity and get it done. Hopefully I’ll report back and let you all know how I am getting on with my goals, wish me luck!

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