Monday, August 12, 2013

10 Things Every Man Should Know about Irish Women

As a race, us Irish women are definitely unique in our ways. But while men might think we're from a different planet sometimes, we're not that difficult to figure out. From our love of Pennys and fake tan to not being able to take a compliment, here are ten things that guys should know about us:

10. We go in packs to the toilet.

On a night out, going to the toilets alone is a foreign concept. Whether it's to check that our mascara isn't running, or to make sure our hairstyle is still intact. We also love to gossip about how to get that cute guy we spotted across the bar to notice us, or to vent how our ex's new girlfriend keeps staring us. We congregate to the toilets to put the world to rights!

9: We love our soaps.

We might give out about how ridiculous Fair City and the rest of the soaps are sometimes, but we are still addicted to them. It's a great way to unwind after our day, as well as a good water cooler topic amongst friends and colleagues. And while we're engrossed in the latest Carrigstown/Walford/Dales drama you'll be wise not interrupt us. Unless it's to bring us a cup of tea and a biscuit.


8: We like to drink.

We like to think that we can drink guys under the table. We give it a good try. But most of us can’t. We're usually too afraid to look at our phone the next morning for fear we'll find messages that we drunkenly sent to our ex, and we wait with dread for a call from our friend to fill us in on what happened as we cringe down the phone. After a few we also like to think we're Carrie Bradshaw in high heels and BeyoncĂ© on the dance floor. But in reality we always have a pair of flats in our bag for when we can't walk anymore.

7: Fake tan is essential.

Being Irish means we have very pale skin. Therefore, we need feed fake tan to look more like a human being than Casper the friendly ghost. We feel like bronzed goddesses with it on and we're not bothered if it smells or gets all over our bed sheets. We're more concerned if it starts streaking on us and gets patchy on a night out.

6: We're up for the craic. 

The expression 'she can talk for Ireland' didn't come from nowhere. We definitely have a unique sense of humor and a way of constantly keeping the conversation going. We love nothing more than a good bit of banter and having the craic with the lads and there's no doubt that we can give back as good as we get. It's this quality that a lot of guys seem to love most about us.

5: We love Penneys.

Despite knowing that we're probably going to see three different people wearing the same thing as us on the same day, we still shop religiously at Penneys. Why? Because we love a bargain, and the recession made it 'cool' to shop there. From everyday t-shirts, to cute dresses for your daughter/niece, and little pieces that can brighten up your home. Pennys has it all, and at a low price.

4: We are competitve.

We can get just as into supporting our county in the GAA as you guys. On match day, we put on our jerseys with pride and end up screaming at the TV if we get a get a goal and shouting if the opposing team gets a point. Or if we're in the local and see a person in the other teams jersey, then we'll get into a light-hearted slanging match with them, and we have a good gloat if our county wins.

3: We love to complain about the weather.

We love to complain about a lot of things, but weather has to be at the top of our list. It’s too hot/too cold/too windy. And it's usually the person behind us in the queue that we complain about it to. And trying to decide what to wear for the day when you've no idea what's the weather's going to like in an hours time is impossible. The sun is shining when you leave the house so we think it's safe not to bring a jacket. But we end up getting soaked into the skin by the time we get home again.

2: We can't take a compliment.

We love complimenting others, but when it comes to someone complimenting us, we just don't know how to take it. If someone says to us 'you're looking well,' the usual response is 'will you go way outta that.' Or 'I love your top'. 'This old thing? I've had it ages!' Whether it's our modesty, or our fear of looking a bit big headed, we can never seem to just say thank you when a compliment comes our way.

1: We love a bit of sunshine.

Saying our weather is unpredictable is an understatement. So when the sun does shine we take great advantage of those five minutes. Out comes the shorts and vest tops. We lather on the suncream. And if we can't get to the beach or a beer garden, we bring a kitchen chair to the back garden and sit out. And if we forget to put on the sun cream, we are definitely going to be sore and as red as a tomato by the end of the day. And we wear our sun burn with pride, because we've proved we made the most out of it.

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